Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I recently had an entry about some possible ghosties living in my new um, old home.  Well, to keep you updated, now I have doors that open on their own.  Of course, I am sure it is just the oldness of the house and when you step on certain boards on the floor, it offsets a door and it opens…………..well, at least that is what I currently want to believe. 


My kitty still jumps at things I don’t hear or see.  But then cats have a better sense of hearing thaN we mere mortals do.  Maybe she is hearing the whispers of those already passed on………….maybe even a kitty or pup that has been haunting the halls waiting for a playmate.


Either way, there are some strange things going on in the old house.  But I am not afraid.  First if all, I have my faith in God.  Second of all, I am not afraid of spirits.  They would have already forewarned me if they were evil……….and I feel nothing evil from them.  Just odd dreams and a few nightmares.


So, again, I will keep you updated if anything worthwhile happens.


So I shall now……………………………………POOF!


Anonymous said...

Folk lore often suggests Ghosts, Ghouls, Sprites and other fairae folk
Christians often seem to suggest Demons or Angels but of course any of those Is mankinds way of explaining the unexplainable
personally i don't mind ghosties they sure liven up the place.  then again those who know me know i am more Ghost than real most days,. (JK) so i hope things settle and that you make peace with your ghosts

Anonymous said...

You are braver than me, if you have ghosts I hope they are friendly : )
~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

I'll bet they are friendly ghost. I am reading a book about a family that lives in an old mansion that has a not so nice ghost. Paula

Anonymous said...

Don't be so quick to explain away these things by saying the house is old.  I am convinced that ghosts exist.  Two years AFTER my wife and I moved from an apartment, while talking to another friend, I mentioned thinking I had seen a ghost in our last place.  My wife lost all color in her face and had this strange look on her face.  She said, "I thought I was seeing things".  We continued to describe the exact same person which we had seen 2 years earlier.  He was friendly, and I actually miss him now.
