Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I have reached an all time low..............I am becoming a pinball wizardress..........

Each night before going to bed, I sit before my home computer (which, by the way, isn't hooked up to the Internet) and play at least four games of Solitaire, and at least that many or more of Pinball.  I get so angry when there is nothing I can do about losing my ball............I have completely gone over to the other side.........meaning, I have fallen into the world of pinball wizardry.  I even tilt..........though I get notices telling me to be careful........

This is the very reason I never progressed from the original Atari 2600 to the more up to date X-box, etc.  I wore out four Frogger cartridges and 4 sets of joysticks on my Atari 2600.  When the Atari 5200 came out, I wanted one.  I owned a consignment shop at the time and someone brought one in to sell, and I took it home for a week and sat up till my eyes were totally bloodshot, playing Frogger.........

I have an addictive behavior.  That is why I cannot indulge in such things as video games.  It would never do for me to move to Las Vegas (sorry Michael) for I would spend all my time in the casinos.  My favorite saying is:  just one more time.........hahahahahahahahaha..........isn't that like trying to eat one Lay's potato chip or one Cheetoh????

So, J-land, you now know one of my severe handicaps.........compulsive addiction to any one thing...........it could be video games, crocheting, cross-stitching, jewelry making, card making...........doesn't matter, I become completely addicted.  Someone help me...............................................


Anonymous said...

I understand.  Really.  Everything I do I go overboard with it.  You have no idea how many hours I am on the computer, now that I can.  Or with crocheting or art or anything I do, it's obsessive with me.  I feel a kindred spirit now.  BTW, I'd love to meet you and grab some photos together too for the journal.  We probably have loads more in common.

Anonymous said...

Before I had the internet I played hours of solitaire every night and pinball like you.  Then I discovered Pogo when I got on the net and they have so many games.  I am now addicted to Mahjong.  Had heard of it but never played it.  Now I play every single day if I can.


Anonymous said...

Don't feel so bad, there are thousands of others with the same problem, so you're not alone. You and I seem to share the same addictions, LOL.  
Mandy ~