Friday, September 29, 2006



August flew like a bird on the wing
September is almost here

Soon, the birds will no longer sing
And the air will be cold and clear

Winter is good for many reasons
It helps rid our environment of bugs

It is one of the most joyous of all the seasons
Though we have to bundle up like slugs

I used to enjoy winter more than most
For it brought lots of beautiful white snow

But now I enjoy summer and going to the coast
And watching the ocean waves ebb and flow

I guess as you age your favorites change
And nothing is ever the same

The things we used to love seem ever so strange
And we forget the rules of life’s game

For all my life I have lived in this state
And never wished to be anywhere but here

But now in my mind there is an endless debate
Do I go where it’s warm or stay where my daughter is near

I am too young to draw my social security check
And too old to want to continue to work

At my job they continuously give me heck
And I’d like to tell my boss he’s a jerk

But until I reach the proper age
I must keep quiet and do my job

And let the Georgia winters cool my rage
And let work my sanity rob

(by Regina)


Anonymous said...

Lovely poem, well done

Anonymous said...

It is hard for me to realize how it would be to live in cold climate. We are still in the 90's. Years ago it use to get cool or cold at the first football game ,but now people can wear shorts during the whole season. Haven't even had to wear a coat in several years. Sorry you have to work at a job where you aren't happy. Paula