Saturday, November 11, 2006


well, i have finished another craft fair, and am glad i didn't start with this one or i would have never done another one.  i made $71 after all expenditures, but that wasn't enough to make up for the sleep i have lost lately making stuff to sell at the fair.  the big difference today was that there were nothing but vendors in the gym of the church.  before there were numerous other things going on since it was a fall festival and there were only four vendors besides me.

i am not complaining is more than i had before i got there.  plus i was commissioned to do several other items. 

the best part of the day was seeing so many of my friends from the church i used to attend, as well as numerous customers from my work.  i am currently running on empty, both energy wise as well as nutrition wise, so am going to make this brief.  i have to eat and nap.............really soon..............zzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.  huh?!  what?! did someone say something?????

i have been asked to do another craft fair on december 9th.............i don't know what my schedule is for that far in advance, but i am praying i have to work, lol.

ok, off to bed i go..........................with a quick trip past the refrigerator first..............


Anonymous said...

Well, I am glad you made something out of it, do not knock yourself. You are bound to do well on the 9th December as that is my Mike's birthday, bound to bring you luck.

Anonymous said...

$71 is nothing to feel bad about.  You did much better than breaking even, and that is a positive.  Just remember, the more you do, the more word of mouth advertising you get the better your sales will be.  At least that is what I am hoping in my commercial ventures.


Anonymous said...

I would think the craft fairs would get a little tiring. If you're like me I would be on my feet when I could sit and if it is a cement floor that is even worse. But $71.00 is seventy one dollars. Paula