Thursday, March 29, 2007


we all have our dreams.  some are more realistic than others, but we all have the opportunity to make these dreams come true.  often, life itself intervenes in our well-made plans of making our dreams come true. 

the young photographer that i have featured before here in my journal, and would like to feature again, has come to a roadblock in making his dream come true.  this man is a truly talented photographer, but due to many obstacles, has had to put his photography on a back burner.  i admire this man very much for knowing his priorities in life.  but i also feel badly that his pursuit of happiness in his photography has had to fall back several paces. 

this young man has a fantastic gallery.  and most of his work is for sale.  he also offers numerous other things relating to his photography.

visit greg's site.  sit a spell.  enjoy the beautiful work. him, let him know what you think, and if you feel the need to purchase something he has to offer, then please do so.  the visit will be well worth your time, believe me.  he is truly talented.

thank each and every one of you for letting me share greg's work with you. 

Four Forty-Six Photography (an online photo gallery of my work -- updated 03-15-2007)
Photo Trek (My photo journal)
The Call of the Waterfall (My waterfall directory)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for always being in my corner Regina...that means the world to me.  I do hope that things begin to work out to where I can spend some more time with my photography.  Rest assured, I am not packing up my stuff and putting it in storage.  I'm just having to slow down on some parts of it for now.  I am still very active in the photography community and will continue as I have, learning from and helping others.  You are right, this is my dream, and I am still working hard to see it turn to a reality.

I really do appreciate the plug for my gallery and all the very nice things you have said about me.  I might have even blushed a bit.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Greg is a very talented photographer and a great guy too. I'm hoping one day he can hang up his police uniform and do what he loves best! It's always hard when you need to make money to live but have a dream of doing other things! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Greg is indeed talented.  I hope he finds his opportunity to see his dreams come true.  

Anonymous said...

I'm visiting you by way of Greg!  He is indeed a talented young man.