Tuesday, March 13, 2007


i have been sitting here typing for over 30 minutes and suddenly there was a glitch in the system, and  boom...............every word is missing............so, i am not going to sit here another 30 minutes and type it all over.................i will just say this............

i had someone come out to check out my cd drive on my computer and they tell me it is kapootz.  so.............i am going to buy a jump drive and download what i need and go from there.  i cannot afford a new dvd/cd drive right now. 

back to the drawing board........................sigh.......................



Anonymous said...

Ain't technology grand.  I had the same experience the other day doing accident reports in the car.  2 out of 3 of the reports that I did suffered from a fatal error somewhere near the end of the report.  I had to reboot the computer and do the entire report over again.  This lost me about an hour for each redone report.  Somtimes I miss a typewriter.


Anonymous said...

oh we all love aol the mischief it made
when  we had it out there it would be mislaid
then it became more annoying suddenly nothing to connect
and we would rant yell and hollar oh what the heck
so into the void we wait as it redials yet  again
this is why i do these t hings off line so i can send to a friend