Saturday, May 5, 2007


wow, it feels good to write from home..........i usually have to go to the library.  of course, though i have started this entry online at home, there is no guarantee it will go, here is crossing my fingers...........

i slept all day.  not sure why, other than it was cloudy and cool, and there didn't seem to be much reason to do anything else.  i should have gotten out and walked to the square and taken some pictures of the murals painted here and there on brick walls.  i have been planning to do that for some time........just haven't.

of course, the cat was by my side all bed, in the chair, in the hall, in the kitchen, where i went, she went.  i was cooking supper and she even stood at the open door and called out LOUDLY to me.  she has gotten very needy lately.  i guess because i have been home for several days at a time, and then i suddenly started getting a few more hours at work.  she misses me.

since i didn't go anywhere today, i have little to talk about.  ooooooooh dang it.  the signal just went off on the puter.  that means i may not be able to send this entry.  i am going to try to send it, then i can always add more after it goes through...............


Anonymous said...

You and the cat probably needed that rest. Glad you got to post from home and its good to hear from you. Paula

Anonymous said...

Well, it went through, so I guess that is progress with the signal huh?  Don't feel bad about staying at home and resting.  I have been known to do that on dreary days, even though I should be out with my camera.  Fact is, people need to recharge occasionally, and what you did is the best way to do that.
