Thursday, June 28, 2007


i am a very big hurry, so cannot stay long..........just wanted to let those few readers that have remained loyal that i have a rat update........


            IT'S BACK!!


i came home yesterday to find my kitty sitting by the wall under the window in my bedroom where the baseboard is a little loose and there is a crevice leading back into the wall.  i shut off all the fans and air conditioner and listened, and sure enough, there was a faint squeeking noise and rustling around in there.  i marched to the kitchen, got some of the rat poison and brought it back in there and put it in the crevice, which allows it to fall in behind the wall there, and then took white duct tape and sealed up the crevice.  i know it won't keep de rat from chewing through, but it at least gives me a little modicum of feeling secure.  i can tell if something chews on the tape.  i haven't heard it since.  not sure why.......maybe it is planning an attack..............

also, the wild bunch is still with me....well, i am missing a white kitten, not sure if it is whitey or ditto, since i cannot tell the difference unless they are there together.  blacky, the bigger fluffy black cat is there often too.  they had beef stew last night.  not dinty moore, but castleberry's.  i don't eat the stuff..........i like mine homemade.

i have lots more to tell, just not enough time.  i will explain all later.  and i also don't have time to visit anyone's journal, so don't be angry if i don't comment......i will catch up soon, i promise.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, starting to wonder if it is a rat.  We have similar things happen about this time of year and its actually birds that build nests in the attic.  There might be a way that they have gotten into your siding and have built in the walls.  It might still be the rat, but this new noise might be a bird, or several of them.  Whatever it is, they need to be evicted...and soon.


Anonymous said...

I had squirrels in my attic one time. I tried everything. Moth balls, a radio until my brother-in-law came over and put wire over the vent. Hope you catch the varmint. Paula

Anonymous said...

like you i don't have time to tell you my rat tale (actually it was a large wild mouse)  but i do empathize knowing your home is invaded by little feet can be really hard to sleep around.
i hope you catch or kill it soon  or that it flat out moves.
Good luck keep up the writing as  always a friend

Anonymous said...

Found a link to your journal and decided to have a look. Enjoyed the read, wishing you luck in the find against Brother Rat.
