Thursday, March 23, 2006


currently this journal is private, but if i make it public again, i want this to be read.

what is it with public libraries today??  of course, when one thinks of a library, they think of a stuffy dimly lit building filled with musty moldy books with old maidish attendants watching their every move.  and i am much aware that that is more stereotypical than correct.  but i do know that one was never allowed to make noises or talk out loud in the library.

i am also aware that many of our high school graduates cannot read, but what part of "NO CELL PHONE USAGE IN LIBRARY" is that difficult to read and understand?  am i the only person in the library that obeys the rules?  of course, it is very difficult to ask a patron to not talk out loud or use a cell phone when the very library assistants are sitting at the front desk talking on their own cell phones and yelling back and forth to each other across the room, laughing and cutting up.

i realize i am mostly "old school" when it comes to rules.  but it seems today everyone goes with the "rule" of "rules are made to be broken".  i just don't get it.  many would say that it doesn't matter if the rules are broken, because no one really gets hurt.  i beg to differ...........first, if someone, say myself, is trying to concentrate on writing a story, a poem, or even a letter, and the person or people at the next computer are talking or laughing and making a loud disturbance, then i cannot do what i am attempting to do, and that is write something that will have some sort of impact.  anyone who writes prose and poetry knows that usually the writing comes in bursts, depending on the inspiration.  i cannot concentrate on what was inspiring me if there is a lot of chaos around me.  after all, i come to the library to get away from the chaos.  not to continue it from home.  secondly, if people are not taught that certain rules MUST apply in certain areas, they will not follow rules put forth by the government, like not robbing, not killing, not mugging, not burglarizing, etc.  people need to know they cannot do as they wish.  yes, we have freedom of speech, but not out loud in the library!!!

the children that are running around making loud noises belong to the librarian and assistants.  they are not even contained inthe area for children. 

i guess it is a good thing that i didn't get the library assistant position.  i would be too much like those libraries of old..................QUIET PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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