doin' the happy dance over here...........woohooooooo!!!!!!!!
the craft fair was great.........i was a little worried when i got there on friday evening and saw that it was in a massive gym and there were only five vendor tables, but about 20 flea market tables. usually when there are flea market items available at the same place where new items are sold, the flea market items win out. but not this time........
when i arrived on friday i put out only my crocheted items. then on saturday morning i took my jewelry and handmade cards. i created a really nice display (i had a digicam in the car, but didn't even think about taking pictures). i was a little afraid that with children coming in and out as well, they would put their adorable grimy hands on everything and leave fingerprints all over. but my fears were soon abolished. every child's hand was held by an adult and they were very well behaved.
the lady in the booth next to me on the left turned out to be a customer of mine from work. she had another lady with her that had been her friend for 7 years. now that woman was a hoot.......loud, aggressive, etc. she even hawked my jewelry, which i think in the long run ran some folks off.
the fair was supposed to last till 4 pm, but about 1 pm some fairly nice looking gentleman came up to the booth next to mine looking for "barb". that was the loud lady. it was her internet date..........they had never met before and immediately "barb" started loading up her crafts and she had the date take all of it to her car and they left! my friend was shocked.............she and the other lady are both disabled, and she was hoping they would be able to work together to sell most of their items as well as help clean up afterwards. but no, "barb" was off and running.................
my friend and i sat together till it was almost 3 pm and noticed all the other vendors were packing up and they were loading up the flea market stuff as well. so we gathered our things. a lady came by and asked if we would like to do another craft fair in november at the methodist church. i told her i would consider it, but wasn't sure if i was off work or not. i would have to check my schedule. my friend told her she might be interested as well, and then she talked to me about us joining forces and getting a table together. she and "barb" have another fair this weekend, so she has to really get busy making things.
ok, i have drawn it out long enough. in the five hours that i sat at my booth, i cleared $101.00. i sold handmade cards, crocheted scarves and handmade jewelry. i also got commissioned to do 5 red and purple scarves for the red hat society. so, greg....and others that might have been silently inquiring...........yes, it was worth my time. i saw a lot of my customers from the craft store, and one of my customers bought $42 worth by herself.
i think i have learned the difference between craft shows and craft fairs. at a show, everyone there has pretty much the same a fair, you get a wide variety of handmade items. i may not do as well next time, but with my friend going in with me on it, it will not cost me as much. i have been bitten by the craft fair bug.........someone help me, lol.
i went to the ups store and printed up some "business cards" and cut them and distributed them at the fair as well. i haven't gotten any calls yet, but am sure i will.
i just left the bank cashing a check a customer gave me at the fair, and the teller who waited on me asked me how the fair went. in the course of the conversation, she asked if i would make her a baby blanket. i told her to pick out the yarn and i would give her a price. so...........there is another deal in the making. i have already started on the red had society scarves. i have to make cards, jewelry and more crocheted items before the big event in november. so, i better get off this here computer andget busy...............
have a blessed day............not sure when i will get back here to write...............
oh, speaking of writing, i just had another poem published.............woo hooo........