Thursday, December 28, 2006


i received some really great news yesterday...........from my daughter.  she just turned 21, and has a fairly steady boyfriend (whom i actually like) and she has been out of school since she graduated at age 18.  she didn't know what she wanted out of life, but wanted to drink, party and kick back with her homeys...........well, she has done all of that for 4 years.  i didn't like the path she was heading down..........but it was no longer my decision, since she left home when she was 17.

we keep in touch and she often tells me that her "dad" (i use the term loosely, since he has never been in her life until she turned 17 and moved out of my house) can put her through college for as many years as it takes to get whatever degree she wants and it won't cost her anything, added to the Hope Scholarship.  she will also get about $900 a month funding.  but he keeps putting her off in getting her signed up, mostly because he is either "sick" or in the hospital.  he has been making excuses all his life, so this one doesn't count either.  so, she got fed up and decided to go it alone, and went to her father and got all the information, enrolled, got him to sign whatever papers were needed, and now she is going to school...............starting jan. 9th.  i am elated.  if she will stick to it, (and i think the money will be an incentive to do so) i will be even more elated.  i love my daughter more than life itself, and want the best for her.  i am just glad she is finally doing something with her life.................

you go girl......................


Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news.  Maybe now that she is ready to go, she will do so much better than if she had gone straight out of high school.  I know you are proud, and very happy that the finances are going to be taken care of.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you and for your daughter. Maybe she is done with the party times and ready to settle down and apply herself. I wish her the best of luck. Good New Year to you. Paula