ok, now that i have sat here and thought about it, i figured this would be a good idea. for all of you that read my journal, try this one...............
have you been to a high school reunion and there was at least one person there that had changed so much, you were either pleasantly or humorously shocked??? if so, write about it in the comment section of this entry.
i have been to several of my high school reunions and have had both happen to me.........and if there is ever another reunion, i plan on being one of the ones to pleasantly shock everyone. enjoy this little experiment..............
I went to a 10 year reunion and a 50 year reunion recently (gosh that sounds old). The ten year one there was a guy there I didn't recognise. I can't say he looked better or worse, just didn't look the same. At the fifty year one I figured everyone out but one girl looked quite different. Not better or worse, just different. I was happy to see all those people had gained weight too. The biggest surprise was my fifth grade teacher was there and she still looked good. Must have been her first year as a teacher back then. Hey this was fun. Paula
i cheated lol i went to someone elses reunion with them so they didn't go alone. It was not pretty not one person wasn't claiming to have improved and done better than it seem's they didl. If i bow down and go to mine i will be me no better or worse just Me.
Why become something your not when u have to live with Yourself every other day of the year.
lol So I guess it is one reason i dont go. I wouldnt know any of them i never did hang out anyways i was to busy being myself
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