Thursday, December 22, 2005


i would like to thank all those who commented on my journal entry "Christmas Duldrums".  i appreciate the great suggestions. 

being diabetic, i cannot eat alot of sweets or really good Christmas treats.  i hate to bake something i cannot partake of, it just makes me sadder. 

i am renting a room from a lady with three children, and most of my stuff is in storage, so i don't have any baking supplies.  so the pies, cakes, cookies thing is sorta out of the question.  but i have been making jewelry, crocheting scarves, and making other things for Christmas presents.  it helps some. 

i know i shouldn't lose site of what is really important this time of year.  the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  i know He is there, just waiting for me to turn to Him for help out of my duldrums, but being human, i tend to try to make my life happy all by myself.

being apart from michael is hard too.  i miss him so much when we are not together.......

and my being sick right now doesn't help either.  but i do know there is a light at the end of my tunnel..........if i can just find that dang end........

hope everyone out there in journal land has a very MERRY CHRISTMAS. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!
