Friday, October 8, 2004



this is to all those out there that know me, or have read my journal.........  

i will not be online much, if any, over the next few days.  i have fought hard to pay my bills, but seems i never can catch up.  i received my eviction notice today from the sheriff's dept.  i have till tuesday, at 1:00 pm to get out.  i called and begged the landlord but to no avail.   

my health is not the greatest, and i have been having headaches, a stomachache, and heart palpitations since i got the eviction notice.  i have rushed around the house like a crazy person, trying to pack stuff, throw out stuff, and overall just not think about the situation. 

but i am at a point now i have to sit down and rest a minute.  that is when the tears start. 

life sometimes seems so unfair.  i guess the failures in my life are somewhat my fault. 

either way, i need the prayers of those of you who pray.  and the good thoughts of those of you who don't pray.   

i will miss all of you if i am not able to get back on aol.  please know that i enjoyed calling most of you friend, and that i enjoyed your journals, and your comments in mine.  

i must get offline so that i can drive around town and try to find a house for rent somewhere.  i had to wait till i calmed down some before getting behind the wheel of the car.   

everyone out there have a great weekend.................


Anonymous said...

God bless you my friend. I am so sad for you. I pray the Lord you will find something and quickly.  I hope it is not long before you are back doing your journal. I just wish there was something I could do. You will be in my prayers and in my thoughts.  I will miss you so please hurry back when you can. xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hope you find a place real soon. Praying for your finances and health. Hope to see you again soon. God bless, Beckie

Anonymous said...

OH IM soooooooo sorry I hope you can find a place. A nice palce that is affordable. Im so so sorry. I wish I was there to help you find a place or pack. I hope you can get on aol if not you can still read journals and post. but would ove you to keep yours up. there is the library til you get set up. Lori

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that things aren't going well.  Hopefully something will change and things will start turning around for you!  My thoughts are with you!  

Anonymous said...

I hope you are able to find affordable housing...i'll keep you in my prayers

Anonymous said...

We will miss you Regina...your journal and comments you leave in ours. I will be praying for you...until next time...and I hope its rrrealllll soon.  Deborah

Anonymous said...

if tehre is anything at all that i can do to help you out let me kow cause i will! I have been here and know what you are going through!

Anonymous said...

I knew something was up when you were quite for a dew days. I'm sorry sis, you know I would help if I could. I'll be thinking of you everyday and you're always in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

Praying for you in all ways!! Dunno what else to say. Life can be so hard  :~((

Anonymous said...

IM so sorry to hear what you are going threw, I have been in those very same shitting your pants shoes, What State do you live in ? aren't there any emergency agencies you could contact ? Do you have any mental health diagnoses? I only ask because there are angencies out there, Please feel free to contact me threw my journal as I may have some options you haven't thought of, I will certiainly pray for you and you are in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

So, let me get this right here? You have lived there for 4 months right? or 5? And you're already getting evicted? Did you ever pay any rent? Cause it takes 2 to 3 months of non-payment to have the sheriff serve them on you. But good luck on finding you a new place. Just a word of advice here...Pay your rent, stay in your price range. Live by yourself too. Like your depression face.

Anonymous said...

i pray everything works out Regina. I will keep you  in my prayers and thought. God Bless you

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just found your journal.  Sorry to hear about you being evicted.  I know that it isn't easy to deal with.  I'll be praying for you.  I hope you can Start fresh and get your life back on track.  Learn from the past (but don't stay there), Look to Tomarrow to make wiser choices for yourself.  Take care of yourself.  Stay Strong.
Best wishes,    ~Rhonda~

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your very creative journal.

I am so very sorry for your troubles.  I know this may not sound like the kindest thing I could say, but, usually where we are sitting is the sum of all the decisions we have made.  I tell you that because the realization helped me GREATLY.

I've had SO many problems in my life.  Finally, accepting that I was repeatedly making bad decisions AND changing has made my life much happier!

When you are thinking better healthier thoughts, you draw better healthier people into your life.

Even if you have to turn to public assistance for a little while, you will look back on that and it will change you in a very positive way.

I FEEL that you can do this!  You can make the changes that you need to add the happiness you crave!

I will pray for you and offer up some of that PMA!!!  (positive mental attitude)
