Thursday, July 13, 2006


she felt his hot breath upon her neck.  his lean, naked body pressed against hers and she felt his passion surging. 

her lips eagerly awaited his, as he leaned down, his hair trailing across her bare skin, sending tingles of ecstasy throughout her body...............the kiss was long, passionate........

the bonding of two bodies into one was more than she could handle, and she felt her brain explode with her body.......................

drenched in sweat, she find she was always.  there had been no midnight passionate bonding of two bodies.  just her, with boundless imagination and desire...........

she hated getting old.  not only does the body start to go, the mind plays its games too.  she didn't understand how life could be so cruel, to give her the needs and desires she now had as an older, more mature woman, instead of when she was younger and beautiful. 

she felt used up.  abandoned by all, and wondered why should she even exist anymore.  she had no reason to get out of bed every day. 

no one needed her anymore.  she could go for weeks holed up in her house, and no one would care.......would even notice............other than maybe her workplace.  after three days of not appearing for work, she would be "let go" without further adieu. 

she had often heard of people's lives ending up this way, but never imagined it would be her fate as well.

now, more than ever,  she wished she had made better choices in her life.  choices that would have left her not only with a legacy to leave behind, but with someone to spend her days with.

but, alas, she was here, on this earth, and would make the best of it till it was her time to go. 


if you know someone who is alone, keep in touch with them, visit them, and make them feel they are wanted, needed and cherished.


Anonymous said...

This is a sad situation but I can honestly say I have not felt this way very much even though I am getting older and did live alone for eight years. I enjoy my own company and there is so many things to do. Take care, Paula

Anonymous said...

GRW!  Where the hell are you?  And Lord I hope you did not go to the keys, for God help you & have mercy on your broken soul ~ How I wish I knew what was going on.  I don't know the new city so I can't even call the cops to check on you as B4 ~ which makes me wonder if that was something you planned?  Gina Gina Gina, GF, I have known you for too long for you to keep so cryptic with me!  You need to call me!  I don't care if you call collect & you know it, so don't gimme that excuse; call!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my journal.  I put you on my alerts.  I haven't felt this lonely in many years and I am glad of it.  It's an awful feeling.  I hope you press through it if this is personal for you.  I enjoy my own company and have fun going out all by myself.  

Anonymous said...

I dunno what the deal is, but I searched aohell journals with your name & saw that you have made comments to peeps as recently as 7-31 and even see the comments below mine, suggesting that you have made contact with this person on or near the 10th ~

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, if you want to hide, you are certainly entitled to do so; just don't make me mourn your death in advance! I've been beside myself, sick with the ideas of you & the keys.  I've got real death in my life currently & don't need to be mourning that which appears to not be true.  

Don't want my email? Fine, I won't send anymore.

WTF??? Whatever, this isn't the first time drama has played apart of our friendship.........................................................................................

I'm so frustrated, hurted & angry.  Me and my stoooopid emotions!

Anonymous said...

Regina dear, please remember that to be at peace you must first love yourself. Family, friends even soul mates can come & go on a whim..whatever the fates have in store.  But to be truly happy within one's self brings an inner joy.  You write so well and it's never too late to try to do something different...hell, down here in Florida we have 90 year olds getting hitched because they still have some time left....isn't that wonderful? Do continue writing and I'll continue reading it too...fond regards...Sandi