Friday, October 12, 2007


first i would like to thank those that commented on my last two entries.  one mentioned that it is a good thing to stand up for what you believe in, no matter if it is a popular opinion or not.  that is something i have always done, and in the process, have made lots of enemies as well as pushed away a lot of friends.  not that i have to have friends that agree with my every view.  just ones that accept me for believing in mine.

one commenter wanted to know if i was going to keep any of the wild bunch.  it is really not up to me, lol.  they have their own minds made up that they like munching on the back porch.  i do know i won't be keeping any inside, as it is not allowed.  but.....i will feed the ones that continue to come during the winter. 

now, on to something that i feel might be worthy of your attention.  i watch late night tv while i do my crafts.  usually i am up till 4 or 5 am.  i used to have a set tv schedule i watched, but when the season changed, so did the programming.  thus, i have either had to find other things to do, or change what i watch.

i was channel surfing the other night and something caught my eye on our local channel 8, which is GPB.  it was a special about a family who raised a child with down's syndrome.  when i was in school, i always wanted to be a therapist or teacher who specialized in working with children with down's.  of course, my life took another path, so i never was able to follow that dream.  but i have known several down's children and a couple of down's adults who brought so much joy and love to those around them.  the name of the program was "the teachings of jon".  this is the link to his story:  it is worth taking a moment to view this, as i sat there and cried and laughed throughout the entire movie.  it is documentary format, but still an interesting viewing.

i had a very exciting note given me day before yesterday.  if you remember, i helped my house mate stuff and throw her newsletters.  i had been asked to work at my real job that day, but declined since i had already committed to helping her.  so i told her that i felt she did owe me something, but not to worry about getting me paid right away, since she was having to refund some of her clients their money.  when i came home the other night, there was an envelope taped to my door.  inside there was a thank you card, as well as a 10 dollar bill.  before reading the card, i assumed that was what she was paying me.  i wasn't unhappy about it, since i knew she was strapped moneywise.  but the note said that it was only a partial payment.  she was planning on giving me another $25, making it $7 an hour for my time.  i was only hoping for $4 or $5 an hour.  so hey, sounds great to me. 

i took the money and added to some i had and went across the street to the methodist church and signed up for the fall bazaar they are having tomorrow.  i was late signing up so i got a smaller table, but with God's help, i can make it work.  as long as i at least break even, i will be happy, but hopefully i will do as well as last year.  i am offering a small selection of jewelry, crocheted goods and handmade cards.  i didn't have time to make anything new, so will have to offer what i had on hand already, which is a pretty good selection.  now, i have to go home and get my stuff together and be there at 7 am tomorrow.............sigh..............

thanks again to my dear readers, whether they comment or not.  i am going to check out a few of you right now, and then off to buy some groceries and home to sort through my crafts.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely entry. Thank You.  I hope that all goes well tomorrow at the craft fair.  Wish you lived over here !! At our Methodist church we have a table top sale every 1st. Sat. in the month just 10-noon  but it goes well. the Church made about £170  I think that is about $300 dollars  and the stall holders would make quite a bit as we were quite busy. (The stall holders pay £5  $10 and then whatever they make is theres.)    We always have a couple of tables for ourselves as well that members contribute to.  Have a great weekend. Love Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your crafts. Glad the lady is paying you for your help especially since you took off work to do it. Paula

Anonymous said...

I think its great that she is paying you for your time, and it seems that she is paying you fairly as well.


Anonymous said...

as always i pray for your continuing comfort
i also i hope the kittens stay

Anonymous said...

on a new topic forgive me i got one of your updates said No Good Deed
it seems to have vanished did the system loose it or did you remove it
i hope if you didn't you have a copy
i look forward to each time i get to read your work
keep up your pen
i miss you my friend