Wednesday, October 3, 2007


well, either alerts are down, people are busy, or...............i have finally lost all my readers.  my last entry was one i felt all should read.  but, alas, no one has commented.  i know we cannot control the views, beliefs and words of others, but when someone is in the public eye, they should be a little more careful of how they portray themselves.  i used to like kathy griffin.  she had a robust sense of humor and was loud and rambunctious, like me, lol.  but after that comment, which her own website agrees she said at the emmy's, i will never, i repeat, never watch anything in which she appears again.  i am done with her completely.  and from the way my Bible reads, she has blasphemed the name of God, meaning she will NEVER enter the gates of Heaven.  that saddens me.  i want everyone to go to Heaven.........walk forever with God and Jesus on the streets of gold.  my wish is that everyone who feels they agree with the petition should go to the site and sign the petition.  we must be heard.

it is finally october and i am wanting to start decorating the house for halloween.  but i know if i do it now, the decorations will get stolen or destroyed before the big night.  the night when all the little goblins come around to seek sickeningly sweet treats.  oh, that reminds me, gotta go buy some of those treats..........

i found a wonderful skull replica that plugs in and emits mist and red light comes out of the eye sockets.  there is nothing to add to make it mist other than water, so that works really well.  fill and plug...........instant fright.

i was a bit surprised that my general manager at work had only given me 3 days to work this week.  i would be off wednesday through sunday.  i have bills to pay, so i went to the assistant manager and he gave me another day.  whew!!!

i still have a few kitties i feed periodically.  mama kitty even let me pet her the other night.  gray is beautiful up close.  his/her markings are beige/charcoal/gray.  rocky almost came in last night to check out my kitty.  he was doing the cross-eyed look, bobbing his head back and forth from eye to eye, trying to figure out what my cat was, who was standing just beyond the door jamb.  my cat is so plump and short she probably looked like a fat o'possum

i guess i better sign off for now and go and read some of my reader's journals.    




Anonymous said...

Hi  sorry not to have commented on you rlast entry bit I was rather stuck for something to say.  I actually don't know the "star ?? "  you were speaking about. However I read what she said and rather than condem her I was sorry for her. What a materialistic world we live in when people famous or not seem to think that wherever they achieve they do it in their own strengh.  I pray daily for people like that that they day WILL come when they will suddenly realise just who has been with them all the way, walking behind,  them picking them up when they are down.   God Bless.  Love Sybil sybil45

Anonymous said...

I'm still here and keeping abreast of the goings on in your life.  I guess I didin't get the alert on the last entry.


Anonymous said...

No comments doesn't mean no readers. I found it difficult to make a sensible comment to your last entry. Anyway, celebrities are not my scene, I find them ephemeral and transient. And prone to falling flat on their faces. I'm sorry you only got 3 days to work this week. Will you be hanging on to any of the kitties?

Anonymous said...

I think alerts were down as I was thinking the same thing about the low number of comments in my journal entries lately.  Feeling very unloved lately.  I didn't catch the comment Kathie made and I would like everyone to come to heaven too, but realistically it just isn't going to happen.  Some choose another path.  I have been a Christian for many years and my walk has waxed and wained by my own faults, but this year it has grown and strenghtened oh, so sweetly.  I wish that everyone could know Jesus in a personal way the way I've learned to know Him and rely on Him.  I'm going over there to check out your last entry.  So glad you said something about the alerts.  I was beginning to wonder myself.

Anonymous said...

I'm here and I read it but I don't watch much TV or know the stars etc. so didn't think I had anything to say about her. Paula

Anonymous said...

ahh, see we are still around and about (winks). I'm thinking of putting my own Halloween decorations up this weekend. I just wish the weather would cool down so it feels like Autumn. As for the last entry, I have a diverse set of friends, on the computer and away. Quite a few had comments on Kathi's outburst, some agree with you, other feel it's a free country. Me? I like diversity but tend to stay away from forming an opinion when I know people on both sides of the fence. I'm glad you posted something that you felt strongly about. It doesn't matter if anyone agrees with you or not, your standing up for what you believe. (Hugs) Indigo