Thursday, December 20, 2007


once again, i have no home wifi access................sigh.  i was doing great with a fairly strong connection to the internet at night, which is when i usually get online.  but since my computer has been out of operation for over a year, i needed to update my windows.  so................i let my computer do its thing for 5 hours or so, while all the new updates were added.  when i returned to the computer the next day, something somewhere now won't let me access the internet.  my next step is having someone who know what the heck they are doing come look at it.  sigh.................i miss my connection.

thanks to all the kind comments made from my readers.  sometimes my poetry is rather cheesy.  other times, rather sad or dark.  but each time i write, it is what comes from inside me, and that way i don't explode.  so, read what i write, leave a comment or not, and enjoy what you can.

i have a small update on lahoma.  her friend nelishia told me that she spoke to lahoma's fiance, robert, and he stated she was home because there was nothing more the hospital could do for her.  so keep them all in your prayers. 

rocky and gray, the 2 siamese looking kitties i feed, came around the other night for some of the leftover ham i put out.  they are so beautiful with their winter coats, especially rocky, with the rich dark brown ears, paws, tail and muzzle.  rocky letme pet him/her, but not pick him/her up.  i saw one of the white ones the other afternoon, but my housemate scared them off by coming home.

i had to laugh at my  housemate sunday night.  i was watching the survivor finale when i had to take a potty break.  suddenly i heard banging on my bedroom door.  i heard my housemate screaming at me, so told her i was in the bathroom.  after i got out i went downstairs and she and her grandson were frantic.  i could tell she had been smoking and drinking.  she told me that while she and her grandson were trying to go to sleep, around 10 pm, the door bell rang 3 times, with a few seconds in between each ring.  she told me she looked out and no one was anywhere to be seen.  then she told me she thought it was our ghost.  of course, i knew it wasn't the ghost.  why would she ring the bell???  i looked outside and no one was around.  then my housemate said she would go outside and check.  i am like...........NO, IF SOMEONE IS OUT THERE, THEY WILL GET YOU, SILLY.  then the back porch light came on.........and it is a sensor light.  i thought maybe my daughter had tried to get me to the door, even though we haven't been speaking much.  my housemate made me call my daughter to see if it was her.  of course, it wasn't, and i woke my daughter with her thinking i had lost my last bit of mind.  it didn't happen again, but the next morning there were notices about our power bill on the railing downstairs, so i figured maybe the mayor came by and tried to give them to us.  one never knows about him. 

i refuse to have my gas turned on this year.  i don't get cold and don't feel there is a need to pay both electric and gas.  the cat sleeps on a heating pad, lol.

well, i have bills to pay and must scoot for now....................



Anonymous said...

What a carry on you had last night.  Hope all is eaceful tonight.  Thanks for the info. on Lohoma,  it is so sad. However I continue to have her and the family in my  thoughts.   Please continue to let your words flow whenever you feel like it.  and do keep warm  Love Sybil.

Anonymous said...

That must be one heck of a bill to justify the mayor hand delivering at night!  You have had such a hard time with your internet connection...I hate that for you.  Hopefully things will work out for you soon so you can do internet stuff from home again. I know it is a pain to have to go to the library.  I remember those days well.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having internet woes again. Hope you find someone to help you out there. I have no one here to help me except hiring a computer tech. Merry Christmas to you and may the New Year treat you good. Paula