Friday, July 20, 2007


as usual of late, i am in a rush, so will give a short update.

the wild bunch is still with me.......and thriving.......much to the chagrin of my housemate, i am sure.  i was feeding them the other night and i left the back door open while i poured out the food and water, and when i looked around, all four of the babies were inside the mud room.  they looked as shocked as i did, lol.  they just stood there for a moment, then ran back out and started eating.  if i had had the inside door to the mud room closed, i might have been able to catch at least one of the kitties.  but i don't really want to catch them.  they are content to lounge around on my back porch railing and enjoy the day.  when it rains they retreat to the garage for safety and to keep dry.

the newby is still insisting on wanting to come into my apartment.  her latest request is to "see the view from up there".  oh pleeeeease.  i think the mayor has her spying on me.  ok ok, my imagination is getting overactive, lol.

she brought me up some watermelon she sliced a couple of nights ago.  i think it was a ploy to get invited in, but i had on my nightgown and told her i wasn't decent.  then later i dressed and went down and took her some packages of hot dogs i had i won't eat. 

she has brought her cat rufus over to this house, but claims she told the mayor about it.  not sure if she did or not, but i hope she keeps rufus there.  then i wouldn't have to worry about my kitty being "found out".

well it is pouring down rain and i have to go to work today.  so i better scoot.

thanks again to all of you out there that have left comments and those who read and don't leave comments.  i guess i really do need an outlet for keeping my sanity......oh, wait, i lost that some time ago.................

my daughter wasn't speaking to me, now she is begging me to call her.  i just don't understand these kids. 



Anonymous said...

I think in the end you'll get on with newby, you have a common interest: cats. Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

I think she is very nosy. Oh maybe just interested. lol Glad the kitties are doing well and have you to take up for them. Paula

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the kittens are doing well.  As for the newbie, just wait and see how things play out.  She could just be wanting to be your friend or she could be plain nosy.  Only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

So maybe this is an outlet for you to find your sanity.  The internet is a big place...I'm sure its out there somewhere.  If you find it, see if mine is nearby.
