Monday, July 23, 2007


first of all, a note to greg...............i think i saw your sanity yesterday, or maybe the day before.  it was heading south on I-75, toward florida.  i tried to flag it down, but it just laughed at me and kept going..................

thanks for the comments, guys and gals.  i have so much to say, but never enough time to say it, nor the ability to put most of what i am thinking down in print.  but i do have some good news, well, to me it is.  I HAVE STARTED MY NOVEL!!!  i have put it off and put it off, but for some reason, as i lay in bed a few weeks ago, trying to get my mind to shut down so that i could go to sleep, phrases kept seeping in, creeping in, and eventually stomping in.  so i got up, went to my trusty computer and started jotting down the ideas. 

after a preface and 3 chapters, it dawned on me that the data i had stored on my aol 6.0 and transferred to disc was in my storage unit in the dresser drawer.  sigh...........

but that didn't stop me from putting more into a folder to use later.  i was able to access my aol 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0 for some of the needed data.

having never written a complete novel before, i am more or less at a loss.  i guess the best thing to do is to just let it flow as it may, and then afterwards i can clean it up for submission to the publisher.  i am sure that this is an undertaking that will require several years to complete.  so i am not going to get everyone excited about it yet.  just letting you know that i have begun the process for real this time.

there is also the legal standpoint i will have to consider.  since i am writing non-fiction, i have to make sure i can use real names, places, etc.  i am getting a little excited myself, but have to realize that i have everyday life i must contend with first, then the novel comes second.

now, a footnote on the wild bunch.............i have been feeding the kitties food that i had in my fridge and pantry that i only eat as a last resort.  i don't like boxed mac and cheese, so i usually give it to my daughter, who has always loved it.  but since she isn't speaking to me, i mixed it up, cooked it and gave that to the kitties one night.

i also had about 10 large cans of castleberry's chunky original beef stew.  they have been getting one of those each week, as well.  i was watching the news last night, and noticed that the castleberry's canned food recall had expanded to their chunky original beef stew.  ok, now i am not sure if it is the cans that i have in my pantry that are contaminated, but i am sure glad i didn't eat it.  but.........will it hurt the kitties if it is contaminated?  now i am worried about them..........i am afraid that the newby will get her wish..........they will all die off and not reproduce.............sigh.

as for the newby..........i think she means well, but is just a little odd.  she admits that late at night, after a hard day cooking, working, or both, she gets ill easily.  on the weekends she goes and picks up her grandson, who is 6, and brings him over to spend the weekend.  i believe it was saturday night when i heard a knock on my door and it was the newby, and she said she had some chicken and rice casserole to give me that she cooked.  but i would have to bring down a container to put it in.  i wasn't dressed appropriately, so closed my door, and dressed, and when i opened it again, there stood the grandson as well as the newby, roaming around my landing area.  ok, i gritted my teeth and didn't say anything.  but then the grandson started asking to see my room.  he kept on insisting, so i figured she put him up to it, since she knew i really like him.  i showed them the rest of the apartment, even though i didn't want to.  she was already walking into my kitchen, so i figured what the heck.  i showed them everything but my bedroom.  then the grandson started in again, begging over and over to see my room.  then i told him that if he asked again, he would NEVER see it, lol.  he shut up, lol.  he did ask me what i was doing up there at night, for there were sounds that scared him.  after going into their apartment to get my chicken/rice casserole, i noticed that her bed was directly beneath my computer desk and chair.  i have one of those plexiglass carpet savers under my chair, and figured that that was what was making the strange noise he chair rolling around on that.  he seemed satisfied with that answer.

now i am off to read some of my readers' journals......................



Anonymous said...

Good luck with the book, Regina. I'm not a legal expert, but would suggest to gain consent from your subjects before proceeding, or mask identities and circumstances.

Anonymous said...

If you write your novel in the context of memoirs there shouldn't be any legal battles. The idea being the events are as you yourself remember them. Good luck on your writing dear heart. As for the newby she seems to be a bit of a nuisance. I hate it when people invite themselves to your home. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Well, at least I have an idea where to look for my sanity.  I just wish it wasn't so darn quick to run off like that.

Sounds like you have  great start to your book.  I am sure that it will take a good deal of time to get to the point of being published, but it should be a very interesting experience for you.  You know if you need some illustrations or a book cover picture I'm there for you.


Anonymous said...

Good luck on your book. Are you sure you want to eat what newby cooked? Paula

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your book, I really admire people that can write like that.  I also would be careful about eating food from the neighbor.  Joni

Anonymous said...

As always wit flare and a touch of nice drama .. i love it it is like reading  a story
sorry but let me be one of the first to say i hope you get your novel done sooner than later you got a buyer no matter the type
due to the fact that frankly i love  your writing
speaking of writing i empathize my last computer a old die hard out of the second shop finally stopped doing cd's or floppies so i had to break down count pennies and buy an emachine. lamachine has me hooked .. hee hee.
so at least i can do my own works on here I still write but nothing like your own charming ones
keep up the good work
As always a friend