Tuesday, May 20, 2008


the following pictures are from the 50+ foot magnolia tree in my back yard.  my camera said not to use the zoom past a point, or the photos wouldn't be print quality.  but i had to get these beautiful blooms up close and that was the only way.  these were taken from my back porch.


Anonymous said...

They are really beautiful...what a hight they have grown to.  Must be your green fingers !  Love Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

They are lovely, I don't know that I have ever seen a magnolia tree.  I bet it is gorgeous to see in person.

Anonymous said...

I can smell those magnolias from here. Pretty pictures. Paula

Anonymous said...

I smell them every time I'm going down the road.  You are so lucky to have them in your own back yard.  Wish we did.  We do have a wild cherry tree that has pretty blossoms on it in the spring.  

You took great pictures of it.
