Monday, February 12, 2007


Ok, it is currently close to 60 degrees here.............and two days ago, the high was around 39 degrees.  Nights were in the teens and twenties, now they are going to be in the mid to upper forties for the next couple of days.  Then, the temps are going to drop again.........into the teens at night, and in the thirties and forties during the day..........

NO WONDER WE ARE ALL SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing to report here, other than the weather and the fact that I am working more.  Friday should be good, since I will be getting my refund back (at least that is what the IRS says) and it is payday.........but dang it, I have to work that day.  But Saturday, watch out...............after paying off a few bills that are haunting me, I am going to Wally World and get a few things I road trip. 

I wanted to thank Greg for his latest email...........I really needed a smile, well actually, a laugh.............and he came through for me, lol.  (Oh, BTW, Greg, hope you and Jennifer have a GREAT Valentine's Day......WEG)

Wishing everyone out there a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am here for your amusement and entertainment.  Happy to oblige!  The weather is on the funky side here as well...we were in the low 30's this morning with highs in the mid 60's.  Tomorrow will be in the low 40's for highs...then it will start to get real cold again.  Happy Valentines day to you as well.
