Thursday, June 21, 2007


the following picture was one of the choices by some photographer on a poetry site that you choose and write a poem about.  i was typing away on this one and at the very end, when i went to push the submit button, it said that i could pay with credit card, debit card, or paypal.  PAY!!??  it was only $5, but i am not paying!!  so, my friends here at j-land get to enjoy it instead.  the picture might come out as a red x due to my snitching it from the site, but it is the closeup of a gray tabby kitten's face, looking like it just awoke from a dream of something nice...................

Awakened by something, could it have been fish?
Should I alite from my soft bed to check the dish?
Do I chance not finding that morsel of delight?
In my bed should I stay?  Oh what a plight!
Ok, the decision has to be made as to what to do.
I have decided to snuggle back in and take sleep's cue.
At least for now I can close my eyes and dream
of piles of tuna and bowls full of cream.


Anonymous said...

I like the poem and the cat picture. Thats the trouble someone is always wanting money after you get into it. I wouldn't pay it either. paula

Anonymous said...

I think the poem is much better than the picture, but it goes along with it very nicely.  I hate sites that want you to pay to enter something...that is a ripoff.  Glad you chose to share it with us instead.


Anonymous said...

I miss you oh sweet vision in my head
as i lay here in this huge bed
your at work long away
i am here waiting my day
till you come in i can brush by

I MISS YOU  a poem to a picture above
you will say my my
and food will land in my bowl
more than my tummy can hold
you will say i am sweet
and my day will be complete
so i miss you while your gone
some times when you come home i purr you a song
so please come hurry i need you so
gee i wish you didn't have to go
so there it is far above
you were sent to me to love
so i will purr here a picture you took
i gave you my loving look
i love you master it is true
even if you call me a pet I love you

since you offered a challenge i had to offer my reply good work as always a friend

Anonymous said...

I like this!  :)  I get partial to cats, anyway.

I'm not sure what your reasons are for leaving this journal, but I hope that you find friends and support, and your missing kitty, wherever you go!  -- Robin

Anonymous said...

Tooo cute! Beautiful eyes!!!! Shauneen