Thursday, June 21, 2007


apparently the rat is gone..............i hope.  it has been about a week since i heard anything from it........or saw any evidence.  none of the traps have been set off, and none of the mouse bait has been eaten, so i can only assume i am rat free. 

the wild bunch comes and goes........whitey is ALWAYS there.......and usually mama kitty.  rocky has been missing a couple of days the past week, but came back.  gray came back, but ditto is the one who comes up missing most.  i think i have found their "upstairs" hiding place.  there is a flap of tin that was put under the eave of the house, which drops down to another roof top, which goes up under my porch.  the flap has an opening about 5 inches wide to get behind it.  i have seen the wild bunch come out of there recently, so i am thinking they hide there to get out of the rain and run from any predators.  mama kitty could get in there too, but she is beginning to fatten up since i have started feeding her, so she might get stuck.

i have new pics from my flash drive, just have to figure out again how to put them on my goes.............

this is rocky and gray, looking to see if i have anything for them to eat...........

nope, she doesn't have anything in her hands........we will just sit here and wait........peekaboo are getting sleepy...................

ok, we are getting impatient now........where is the FOOD woman!!! gray and rocky. (rocky IS cross-eyed)

skiddish ditto stands over by the edge of the porch to check things out..........

whitey checking things out from the step.

i had other pics on my flash drive, but because they were formated differently, i couldn't put them in.  i have to figure out how to add them.  but these are the latest pics.



Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. Hope you are well, Paula

Anonymous said...

It looks like they are warming up to you more and more.  I know you are thrilled that the rat is gone.  I just don't think I could be around a rat like that...they freak me out a little bit.


Anonymous said...

CUTIE PIES>>>they are adorable!!!!Shauneen