Saturday, June 16, 2007


i just had to delete an advertisement from my comment section.  it is bad enough that we have to endure the ads that aohell puts on our journals, but to have someone put an ad in my comment section!!!!!!!!!!!  i was going to put the ad here to make it known who did this.........but that would be further advertising.  so, the person, or persons, who put their pet web site and an ad pertaining to that web site in my journal comment section, DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN!!!  i will not report you this time, but i have deleted you and will block you from commenting again if need be.  i own an online business as well, and if i want to advertise on my own journal, then that is MY prerogative...........but you cannot do so without my permission.  so blazi0n26 don't put your advertising on my journal.  thank you.


Anonymous said...

I would be mad as well. What a damned cheek.

Anonymous said...

I was going to put an advertisement for my gallery here as a joke, but I was worried you would block and ban me from your journal.  I couldn't have that, so I'm going to stay on your good side :).  I know what you are talking about...I've had that happen a few times before, and it drives me nuts.


Anonymous said...

That person advertised in my comments too not once but twice and also in another journaler I know. Guess they are making the rounds. Shame on them. Paula