i know you are all probably tired of my complaining about work. but it never ceases to amaze me how people can proclaim to be Christian and say and do the things they do. i am a sinner like everyone else. but i would never say something to anyone, a friend or enemy, that was of a personal nature and would hurt them.
today was one of those days at work. of course, saturdays are tough for us anyway, but today the employees made it even tougher.
one of my favorite community service worker women was there today. she is good at her work and takes her "job" seriously. she came in and immediately started fussing about how all the clothes were in the wrong place. i told her we had had 2 new girls working yesterday and they didn't really know what they were doing.
i went to the back looking for one of my co-workers when i noticed that this aforementioned woman was almost in tears and was muttering to herself. i asked her if she was talking to me and she turned to me and started to tell me what had just happened and burst into tears. i hugged her and told her to come back to the break room and sit down with me and tell me what happened.
i am going to call this community service woman "R". "R" has a tic........sorta like people with turrets syndrome have. she jerks her head back and does her mouth funny like she is going to suck a lemon or something sour. i never asked her why she does this, mainly because it isn't any of my business. lots of people have tics, but it is their personality that i look for. i found out today that "R" also has seizures, so that explains the tics. today, the co-worker who said i fell out of my chair because i was so big, demanded from "R" why she did that silly thing with face and jerked around so much. of course, it hurt "R's" feelings and she just said it was something she couldn't help. but she went back over to her clothes rack and started hanging clothes again, quietly crying inside. i don't know the extent of what was said, but i am assuming it was also the manner in which it was said. this co-worker, who claims to be a devout Christian, has a way of asking things in such a manner that it makes you feel belittled.
after i got "R" to sit down and cry and get herself calmed back down and let her talk it out, she felt much better.
later this afternoon 2 of our volunteers who are married, brought hot dogs and hot dog chili sauce, homemade, for everyone to eat. the young girl who relieves me when i go on break came up and asked me if i wanted to go and eat with the group and she would relieve me. i told her it was really a little early for me to go to lunch, so for her to go and eat and just not clock out and take a 20 minute break and when she finished eating she could come back up and relieve me, and not take her lunch hour right then. she agreed. well 30 minutes later she hadn't returned. i asked the aforementioned co-worker, who i will call Mag, where the girl was and she proclaimed she was taking her lunch. i told her that she wasn't supposed to take a lunch, just go and eat and come back to relieve me. Mag didn't like that comment and said not to question her, that the girl had gone on her lunch break. about that time i was placing a thin glass floating candle bowl over-filled with pebbles, sand, crystals and marbles, into a customer's bag when the bowl snapped and broke off in my hand, piercing the palm of my right hand with a shard of glass. when it started to hurt, the pain was horrible. then the blood started and it wouldn't stop. i looked up at Mag and told her i had to go to the back, i had cut myself on a broken bowl. SHE DIDN'T BELIEVE ME!!!! she must have thought i was using it as an excuse to get to take my lunch break. she came over and said SHOW IT TO HER!! of course, i had wiped it clean of blood and when she glanced at it, there was no blood surfacing yet, and it didn't look that bad, but it WAS deep. i went to the back and told the young girl i had to get myself cleaned up and needed her up front to cover for me.
"R" helped clean up the broken glass and then came to the back to see how i was. i got one of the volunteers to help me tape a bandage on my hand to keep it from bleeding and from getting dirty. then "R" and i ate lunch together.
later in the day my hand started throbbing and i noticed the bandage was slipping off. i told "R" to watch the front while i went to get someone to come to the register while i rebandaged my hand. it was then that Mag made a comment to me that really set me off. she laughed and said something like "if you had REALLY been hurt bad, we would have had to rush you to the hospital. that is one big bandage for such a small nick." i told her i didn't appreciate her belittling my injury and that i knew how deep it was and how serious it was and it wasn't up to her to declare if i were in pain or injured or not. she showed me a little nick on her hand and said what i showed her was no more than what happened to her hand and all i needed to do was put a Band-Aid on it. grrrrrrrrrrr. i told her a Band-Aid wouldn't stick without putting surgical tape over it. so i rebandaged my hand and it felt much better.
i just don't understand why people feel they have to do things like that. i have to admit, i am definitely a wuss when it comes to pain, but it is MY pain, MY injury and i have the right to react how i want to. i mean i could have told them i was leaving and going to the clinic that we go to for emergencies and made the store pay for stitches, but i didn't do that.
anywho, when i got home i removed the bandage, redoctored the wound and discovered there was still a small sliver of glass in the wound. that was why it hurt so badly and wouldn't stop bleeding. it is much better now, and i have it taped over so that it will heal.
i am not sure how well the video i put in my last entry will show up, so i am going to try to include a picture of gray showing how emaciated she has gotten. i have been putting out food but don't know if gray has been eating it or some of the other wild bunch.
yesterday during work i was able to get 2 of the community service guys to take my loveseat and dining table to my house and up my steps and into my apartment. they aren't where i want them placed, but at least they are IN MY APARTMENT. now they cannot complain at work about MY stuff clogging up the entry way.
i am going to try to add the pic or pics of gray now. keep your fingers crossed, lol.
i had to enclude this link. if you are a georgia redneck, you will truly enjoy this. if you are NOT a georgia redneck, you will not understand it, but you will still enjoy it, lol.
and while we are speaking of rednecks................
i don't think this entry even needs a kittycaption, lol.
OMG to the picture of the lady (lady) and Gray sure does look siamese. Paula
what a nice video he is such a lovely puss. You would wonder at someone not missing him. I am glad you are aroun dto at least give him a bit of food...I do think Wum that you should serioulsy be looking around for another job while you are still in employment...I wouldn't like to work amonngs such folks. Love Sybil xx
No, I wouldn't stay a minute longer in a joint like that, Regina. I know all about that sort of garbage behaviour. Liked the kitty pics - the lady from behind is just plain gross. I don't even want to THINK what she'd look like from the front.
you are correct it is your pain you can react as you choose and I see no reason for someone not to think about the health code open wounds must be dressed properly so that blood can not contaminate a public area it is a law
if she has an issue say that to her. you work with the public and that is a law
she should watch her own start noticing the log and not your splinter
as always a friend
My goodness Mag sounds like a horrible shrew....I wonder what church she subscribes too that she claims to be such a good Christian? She needs someone to put her in her place.
The cat is beauitful, she is very thin but still stunning.
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