Thursday, March 8, 2007


ocassionally i get up early on a day off and go to the grocery store in the small town where i used to live.  they have great mark-downs on meats and fresh salad greens that are marked to expire on that day.  since i usually don't get up till a couple of hours before work (around 1 pm), getting up at 8 am is tough..........but somehow i manage to do so at least once a month, lol.

today i even got there a little too early..........the meat packagers were sleeping in today i guess, since they didn't get anything out till around 9:20 am.  but i did get some great deals.  i got 6 packages of 90% lean ground beef that were originally $4-$5 a package for $1.50 a package.  i got 2 packages of boneless pork steaks that were usually $4.89 each for $1 a package.  and then i got a great big t-bone steak with a small bone and lots of meat that was regularly $8.76 for $4.  we are meat eaters at our house..............

i was hoping to get some chicken on special, but no go.  i did get 3 half gallons of 2% milk for 69 cents a jug.  it is usually $1.89 i believe. 

now i have to get those groceries home before they ruin.  the temp has risen a lot lately here, and i don't want anything to spoil.  so i will bid a farewell for now..................


Anonymous said...

You really did get some great deals on your groceries.  I guess it is true....the early bird cathes the worm....on sale!


Anonymous said...

You're my kind of gal. I like those bargains. Paula