Thursday, April 5, 2007


for almost a year now i have debated whether or not it is time to show a part of my past life.  for a year and a quarter, i lived with a woman who needs mental, spiritual and financial help.  i fear if i go into too much detail, she will read this blog and come after me.  but then, this is a free country, and i have the need, and desire, to share with you, my journal friends (and some strangers), some of the horror i had to suffer through while living with this woman.  so, the following are pictures of the house where i lived for that year and a quarter.

that is daisy, the precious rottie mix that lived in the house, in the midst of a "clean" living room.  this was not the way it usually looked.......but for one reason or another, someone had cleaned it up some...........


this is a semi clean dining room..........note, there is nowhere to dine.............


this is the kitchen, where i was supposed to cook my meals as part of the rental agreement..........i usually just cooked in my room, in either my microwave or in my george foreman grill.  the dishes were usually piled higher than this all around the kitchen counter and in the sink.


this is the woman's bedroom.  you can see the floor in this picture, but most of the time you couldn't walk in the room unless you stepped on something or moved it out of the way.  (notice, no sheets on the of the kids musta wet the bed again)


this was the woman's bedroom, AFTER packing up some stuff to move.  you can at least SEE the bed.


this is the wall in MY bedroom, which used to be the kids' room.  see the nice drawings on the wall over my little "kitchenette"??


the flash masked a lot of the drawings and writing, but this was the other wall in my bedroom, where the children "expressed" themselves.


even though this woman had problems and was often cruel to me, i don't hold any ill will toward her.  she has mental issues that need treating, and i pray for her to get the help that she needs.

i am just thankful that for now, i have a place to stay and it is full of character, maybe even a ghost or two...............


Anonymous said...

Guess you were glad to get your own place and keep it the way you want. I knew someone who had his house so cluttered he had to crawl over stuff to get down the hall to his bedroom. He smoked and I always expected to see him on the news that his house had burned. He did go missing a few months back and was living with his mother at that time. They found him in his own house several weeks later but it was all hush hush. I'm sure his family didn't want pictures on the news. Paula

Anonymous said...

I think the shot of Tigger laying face down on the floor pretty much says it all.  If it makes you feel any better, I've seen comparable...and worse than that over the years.  I can't see how you managed to live in that though, it would drive me crazy!  I know you are very happy to be out of that.
