Tuesday, April 10, 2007

those of you who have been keeping up with my connection to the internet problems will be happy to know that i have been successful in connecting for more than 30 seconds.  and when i say that God helped me, i am not joking.
i sat down at my computer tonight and was prepared to sit and play a half hour of spider solitaire before going to bed, and i noticed that my signal to the wifi was on, but i wasn't getting anything.  i opened the wifi access screen and clicked on "find network".  usually there are two showing, one is the local city wifi that i have been trying to connect to, and the other is a private access wifi, which has a security code and i cannot access it.  this time there was a third network.......FBC1.  i immediately knew where it was coming from...........the first baptist church across the street from me.  i was stunned.  i clicked on that access and it went through and immediately i was on the internet.  it doesn't have much power, but it is more than enough for me for now.  i have been online now for about 4 hours, lol.  not all in a row, but it has been on for that amount of time.  i even got an im from a dear old friend.  it was odd getting an im.  you can't im from the library, so i have not been able to communicate with anyone other than email.  it was really nice to be able to talk directly to them (well, type to them lol).
i was afraid i was doing something illegal, like stealing cable or something, but my friend greg, who is in law enforcement, set me straight and told me if they wanted to keep the signal private, they would have put a security code on it.  so i feel better now.  i just don't know how long i will have this connection, so i am making the most of it while i can.
i think my cat has gone bonkers.........oh wait, she already was, lol.  she is sitting and staring at the floor.........like there is something there.  maybe it is a ghost rat or something.  she was walking around earlier and looking around like she was after a flying bug or something, but now she is just staring at the floor.  i got the flashlight and took a look all along the baseboard, but there is  nothing visible.  if some giant spider comes out of there while i am looking, i might have to change my undies....lol.
i am going to close this entry for now, and see if it goes through.  i am afraid that after all this typing it will just disappear.
(ps:  i figured out what the kitty was chasing.........a gnat.......a good ole georgia gnat........whew.........)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, it went through.  How was it doing an entry from home for the first time in a long time?
