Saturday, April 7, 2007


during the wee hours of this morning, i kept hearing little noises coming from my computer.  i knew it meant i was online, but it was toooooo cold and early to get up and check it out.  so i went back to sleep and waited till the sun came up and went over to the cold computer chair and opened my screen..........voila........i had internet service.  so, i was able to read several emails and even send out a couple.  then, my internet world faded again, and arnold, the governator, said to me "you have been terminated".  sigh.........

just wanted to wish all out there a very very very


(and remember the reason for the season................JESUS)


Click here to find out more!  (p. s.:  we sell these little bunnies where i work...........and they are really good..........but i don't care much for chocolate


Anonymous said...

A very Happy Easter to you. The weather here doesn't look anything like Easter. Raining and cold but I'm not complaining I know July and August are not far behind. You take care now, Paula

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter, and I'm still thinking it is your wireless card that is causing your problems.
