Monday, July 5, 2004


someone once said

friendship cannot be

if you never meet face to face

in reality.


i am here to testify

they are sadly mistaken.

for one of my dearest friends

has never me forsaken.


she's there for me

no matter what the plight.

we even act like sisters,

enjoying a good fight.


but i have never met her

and hugged her neck you see.

for she is an online friend

who means the world to me.

written by REGINA


the purple pictures are for my friend..........who loves purpods. 


Anonymous said...

You're too kind!  Love the faerie & the purpodness of it all.  Thanx girlfriend.  Praying all the best for you ~ Frogger

Anonymous said...

Aww, That poem is so sweet. I'm glad you have made such a good friend.


Anonymous said...

very nice poem, Paula

Anonymous said...

I think I just figured out how to save your pics as a video . ? . Love Ya GF

Anonymous said...

life is so short so very very short......... learn to always love ur friends in the good and bad moments for to have a friend who stays  is one of the most important thing on earth .. cheers to all friends. now or ever and i pray wisdom when u all fight. that u will always make up.
after all u may not always have me to play referee