Tuesday, May 8, 2007


recently there has been a debate going on in a local paper concerning whether or not our pets, or animals in general, have souls and/or go to heaven.  any animal lover would relish the thought that they would be able to see all their past beloved pets once in heaven.  my personal view is such:  as per the Bible, the only way to heaven is through salvation.  thus, animals not having the ability to accept or decline the gift of God's Son, Jesus, i.e. they have no soul, would make it impossible to make the journey either to heaven, or, the other alternative.  now that is not to say that there will be a semblance of things we loved here on earth in heaven.........we are promised streets of gold, and other wondrous fortunes, and are told that we will know each other even though we will not have our current earthly bodies.  so i cannot say that we will or will not perceive one of the many treasures in heaven as a past pet.  but i feel that being in the presence of our Lord will be much more powerful a feeling than knowing a past beloved pet is among us there on the streets of gold past the gates of pearl.

i would love to know what others think about this.  i do not judge, thus your comment will not be brought into a big discussion.  i love the idea of the rainbow bridge, which is where past beloved pets go to await their earthly masters on their way to heaven.  i know in my own heart that this is not the case.  in fact, it brings peace to my mind and heart to know that my past pets will not have a further journey.  why, you ask?  i would hate to think that two of my cats and one of my dogs from my youth would be burning in hades..................they were awful pets, lol.  and if animals can go to heaven, then most assuredly they can go to h.........................

i hope i haven't offended anyone, or hurt anyone's feelings.  i am one who doesn't try to convince others that my way is the only way.  believe whatever brings you peace and happiness. 

i know, i know, you wish i would go back to being unable to find something to write about..........lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not offended and its certainly something to think about. I like my pets past and present but I have never considered them as people as some do. I don't judge them for that either. Interesting topic Regina. Paula