Monday, May 14, 2007


ok, i made contact with the candle lady today.  she came by my workplace, after i had gone on break, so i had to get someone to cover for me while i went to the back and showed her what i had.  now....she liked everything i made.  said she was really impressed.  she asked me how many more i could do and i told her that i could probably finish off the ones i already had at home, then do 10-15 more.  she asked me to swing by her house after i got off work, and she would provide me with the jars.  i had asked if i could come by tomorrow, since i was off, and she said she would be up, and i should come by tonight. 

of all nights, this was the floor cleaning lady night at work.  she was late, as usual, and we all had to wait till she finished before we could clock out.  i had told the candle lady that i would be late, but didn't realize it would be SO late.  so i tried calling her at 10 pm to tell her i was still at work.  no answer.  about five minutes later the assistant manager told us to go ahead and clock out and leave.  so we did. 

i got into my car and taking the candle lady's directions in hand, i drove to her house, at night, with night blindness.  she lives way out in the boonies too.  i am just glad i didn't have a flat tire or other car emergency.

i arrived at her house, walked up to the door, knocked, knocked, rang the bell, knocked, rang and rang.............she never came to the door.  i was livid.  i don't like driving at night because i have night blindness.  it is not a big deal if i am going the same route night after night.  but being in an area i was not familiar with, as well as having to squint to see road signs, it was very difficult getting to her house.  i realize she has a husband and a small daughter, but i am the one who said we could wait till tomorrow.  i figure that she went to lay down with the child and fell asleep.  but this makes me wonder if i should trust her.  she has promised to call me several times and never did.  and i was afraid she wouldn't come by tonight at work.  but she DID do that.

i am going to go ahead and decorate the  jars and i guess just make sure she pays me before i turn them over to her.  jar candle


Anonymous said...

Regina, I understand your concern at this point.  I think it would be appropriate for you to ask for an advance on what she has agreed to pay you for the services.  Being that you are having to provide the supplies for all of this, and the order is larger than one or two, the request would be reasonable.  I would ask for enough to cover your investment in the product.  When they are done, she would have to pay the remainder in full before she gets the product.  This way, if she backs out for whatever reason, you have your initial investment covered, and you have lots of candles that you can then sell at 100% profit.


Anonymous said...

I understand, Trust is a hard thing that is why it is one of the most wonderful treasures to have.
I hope for you pray for you and am here saying I am rooting for you. It will happen maybe she had a small emergency of her own.

Anonymous said...

I can understand your frustration in driving at night to somewhere strange. Looks like Radar has good advice. Good luck, paula