Saturday, March 29, 2008


the puffy white ball of fur climbed cautiously up the side of the ancient oak.  she knew her destination.  all she had to do was climb this tree, jump to the side porch roof, climb the gutter pipe a couple of feet and then make it across the 8 feet of front porch roof to the little alcove outside the hall window.  easy.  only, she wasn't aware there was something called summer.  in the month she was born, the wind blew cold, and she nuzzled and snuggled against her mother.  it was much warmer now, and she had been slowly venturing out of the garage where her mother had been hiding the litter until they were on their own.

she had often sat there on the grassy spot next to the driveway, staring up to the roof, on past, to the window in the alcove, where she saw something  move from time to time.  as she sat there, staring, she would try to think of what could be behind that glass in the window.  was it another furball like herself?  was it one of those strange animals that walked on 2 legs and used their front paws to carry stranger objects?  she just had to know.  of course, she also worried it might be one of those furry creatures that you think is a furball until you sniff it and it yaps at you and dances around on the end of a long strap of some kind, held by the front paw of one of those upright animals. 

once again, she looked at the task at hand.  leaping to the tree-covered roof of the side porch was easy.  then over the drain pipe, and then one more pounce to the roof of the front porch......................YIKES!!!!   OUCH!!!  OH!!!!!!  the tin roof, baking in the afternoon summer sun was hot. 

suddenly the quest for the window in the alcove was forgotten until another time, as  the furry little ball turned, ran for the cool of the tree branches, and off to lick her small, now very pink, paws.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was written so well and made me laugh.  Did you name the little one MAGGIE?  That would have been appropriate.

Thanks for the kind, always caring, and insightful comments you leave whenever you visit my journal.  I needed the pick up.  Bless you for that.
