Wednesday, April 16, 2008


i guess i AM gaining patience as i get older.  aohell has had me in its grips for the last 18 hours, and still does, but all i have done is sigh, say oh well, and moved on.  first, i had typed a very lengthy entry last night (or rather this morning around 2 am) and when i tried to save the whole thing to my journal, a screen came up saying "aol journals not available, try again later".  sigh........second, i tried to redo the last entry i made so that it wouldn't run off the screen, making readers scroll over to read it, as well as making all my future entries do the same.  when i finished revising the entry, i clicked "save" and a little notice pops up stating there can only be 25,000 characters, including markup.  what is markup???  and if it already fits once, why didn't it fit again.  and being it wasn't as long as some of my entries, why would it be over 25,000 characters?  i guess it has something to do with me copying the article from an email, thus there is probably a lot of html code in there i don't see that is taking up space.  again.......sigh........

so, when i got up this afternoon (ok ok, i slept in, wayyy in), i tried to redo the entry again, and once again.......... no more than 25,000 characters.  sigh...........

so i apologize for you having to scroll over to read my entries for now, but i have tried my best to fix it and nothing is working.

i also tried to put in a couple of new pics of my kitty, coatie, but of course, nothing.  so i will try again.

the last one looks alot like the true kitty with those eyes......THE CAT FROM HELL!!

actually, though she is a partially feral cat, she is truly a sweetheart most of the time.

while i was eating my lunch earlier, i bit the tip of my tongue.  ok, there was a lot of blood and pain.  but i continued on eating, hoping i wouldn't taste the blood and thinking maybe it would stop bleeding faster if i continued.  after i finished eating, the bleeding had stopped and miraculously, the tongue was healing.  it had been a dangling piece of flesh on the tip, but had sealed back up, the red was going away, and though it is sensitive, it is no longer a bulging, throbbing sore.  it is truly amazing how God has created a being whose own saliva heals the tongue almost instantaneously.  i sat staring in the hand mirror watching it heal.  truly amazing.

yes, i know......i need to get a life, lol.



Anonymous said...

As always your entry was delightful well worth your time
and I am sorry for AOLHELL-0  I wish it worked better
i finally went to fios I had to my old computer spent more time offline than on.
It costs but since i pay for phone anyways it is cheaper this way.
I also wanted to say that 'coatie is a doll.
I have loved each kitty adventure from the wild ones to the tame.
I hope when you cut and paste for email the entries so you don't loose them
(hint) mine used to that is how i survived it.
that you will get a chance to share more.
I love them all it is like the warmth of the sun sometimes.
as always a friend

Anonymous said...

I have had similar problems with AOL.  I've gone over the character limit a few times, and the most recent I really don't think that I did.  I had to break an entry into two parts just so I could post it.  It was no longer than other entries I had made.  The markup is the .html code that is in the background dealing with color and font and so forth.  Any which way you cut it, I wish we had bigger limits for our entries.

Beautiful cat...reminds me of my Mom's cat Miss Purr (after the Carolina Panthers).  They have the same colorings as well as similar facial features.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear Wum !  Lol I do have to laugh at the things you get into  bite out of your tongue indeed...don't you know that after all these years you have a tongue in your moth that is not supposed to be eaten under any matter how hungry you are you MUST wait till lunch is ready  LOL  I have given up trying to write my blog on aoll it always seems to dissapear just as I want to save it so I now do it in Word and paste it !  mind you I must go and do an entry ...might do that today Oh no I am out it will have to wait till tomorrow now..AH well whats another day !!  Love Sybil xx