Tuesday, April 22, 2008


i was surprised to find that my foot was much better today, after adding the gel pads to my shoe yesterday.  after being on it most of the day, and after the ibuprofen wore off, it hurt a little.  my arm had started out feeling like it was going to give me trouble today, but it didn't, thank God. 

i think i had spring fever today.  i didn't feel bad.  i didn't have a headache, i didn't really hurt anywhere, i wasn't tired.  i just didn't want to be at work.  i wanted to be outside, playing, shopping, doing anything at all but working.  sigh.............

we had a truly busy day today.  we didn't sell enough to make our bonus, though.  there were a few moments when i was afraid i was going to have a problem with a customer, but all went mostly well.

after work today most of the staff and volunteers went over to baby jane's to eat and celebrate one of the employees wedding anniversary.  there were 14 of us, including our director and his wife.  as usual, we had a good time, laughing a lot, and just enjoying being in each other's company.  one of my co-workers paid for my supper, even though i asked her not to.  she also paid for one of her friends, who is a volunteer.

i am a little concerned about her.  she is mostly fed up with what goes on around there.  she is a prim and proper older lady, widowed a few years back, and still much in love with her deceased husband, which i think is so sweet.  there is so much backbiting and so much gossip, as well as some employees just don't pull their weight around there, but there is nothing going to be done about it.  my coworker is just tired of working so hard and watching others do as they please and get close to the same pay.  and i agree with her.  of course, i am not in the back, so i don't know who does what, but i do know what the gossip going around is saying.  and i feel it is safe to believe at least 75% of the gossip about this particular subject.  i guess when you get that many women together in one place, there is bound to be problems.  they don't hire men, just women, because we have enough cs workers and volunteers that are men.  i think if we hired a man or two around there, things would be much different.  this coworker is talking very strongly about quitting.  she doesn't have to work, just does to have something to fill her time when not with her grown children.  i would hate to see her go.  i am sure they would hire someone else, but we never know what they will be like, and things just might get worse.  sigh...................

i got a really nice piece of framed art today at work.  it is 4 kitties (all different) lounging around on a person's unmade bed.  it is adorable.  it wasn't much money and it looks really cute in the den.  i am sure i will move it when i get the furniture moved into the house from the storage unit, and figure out where everything is going to go.  there are certain walls i can't put nails into, due to them being 110 year old plaster walls which will crack.  so i will have to place the furniture strategically and add the pictures later.

i have to work tomorrow, so really need to be getting into bed.  i don't really have anything of interest to say, just venting.  i did make another short video of a couple of singing dogs (stuffed and battery operated, lol) but want to fine tune my video making before putting one in my journal.

i still haven't received any more ghost stories, so it looks like i will only be adding 2, maybe 3 to my ghost story entry.  this is my last request for a story, and on thursday or friday night, i think i am going to make the entry.

i ate so much at baby jane's tonight, i feel stuffed even now.  i hate to sleep on an overly full tummy, but i don't have a choice. 

paula over at http://journals.aol.com/plieck30/Iwantedtobeacowgirl/  has redecorated her journal and not only is the journal really pretty in blue, there is a pic of her from 1993.......wowzer, lol.  of course, she is still a beautiful lady today.  so hop on over there and check out the renovations.

also, the j-land photo shoot has begun, so visit krissy over at http://journals.aol.com/fisherkristina/SometimesIThink/entries/2008/04/22/jland-photo-shoot-133---spring/1619  and submit your entry.

well, i am yawning my head off, so i guess i better sign off for tonight.  but NO!  NOT WITHOUT THE DREADED "KITTYCAPTIONS".........................



Anonymous said...

It is hard when people gossip but there is not a lot you can do about it other than not pass the gossip on !     My Mother hated gossip and when we lived in Sheltered housing she eventually refused to go down to the common room because of the gossip.     Me well I have to say to my shame that I sit and listen in but make no comment.    I should say when they start..I'm sorry, I must go and do..such and such ...I don't much care for gossip....thats what I should say...but I don''t  think I am brave enough.  Much Love  Sybil x

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the mention. I love the cat pictures and you are good at putting the captions with them. Gossip can be very hurtful. Too bad they couldn't put a stop to it. Paula

Anonymous said...

Amazing what those insoles will do for the comfort of your fee isn't it?  I know what you are talking about with the gossiping that seems to go around the workplace...believe me, its not just women.  Some of those same dynamics that you have seen there have been with me from every job I have been in with varying degrees.

Love the caption for the kitty.  This is my favorite one to date!


Anonymous said...

I should get insoles as my feet hurt no matter what shoes I wear.  The picture sounds adorable...I am used to not be able to make my bed because of cats lying on it.  Paula does look awesome in her picture!  woohoo!